Waste Management - Aerobic (dry) and Anaerobic (liquid)

If you have any type of agricultural operation, you have waste, and dealing with it is always a challenge, whether in lagoons, pits, or piles. Without proper treatment, agricultural waste can become toxic to plants and soil biology (not to mention our olfactory objections). Bio Minerals Technologies understands the biological balance that is required to decompose the waste properly, minimizing odors and preserving the minerals and nutrients necessary for your soils.

Liquids - Anaerobic

Lagoons and settling ponds are simply large vats where liquid waste is converted to plant food. Without the proper biological balance, lagoons are often a source of foul odors, pathogens, and toxic compounds. However, with the proper biological balance, lagoons are a rich source of nutrients that can enhance your soils and improve your crops. Bio Minerals Technologies provides cultured microorganisms and balanced minerals that will break down the waste and:

  • Decompose solids
  • Produce minerals and mineral restructuring
  • Build a balanced and healthy biological environment
  • Reduce salts
  • Eliminate toxins
  • Control pathogens
  • Prevent putrefaction (significantly reducing odors)

The natural outputs of the lagoons can then be safely redistributed to your fields as a nutritious and balanced fertilizer, rich in minerals and trace elements, and strengthening the soil's natural biology.

We put the good guys in charge!

Call us at 435-753-2086 and let us show you how!

Solids - Aerobic

Solid waste comes in the form of plant residue or animal waste solids, and in order for it to be returned to the soil as nutrients, it needs to be composted properly. Composting breaks down the plant bulk material present in both plant and animal waste and converts it to a form that is beneficial for the soils and the plants that grow there. In other words, you are recycling your own fertilizer. However, in order for the compost to break down properly, it needs an active biology, rich in minerals and trace elements.

Bio Minerals Technologies provides the biology and the minerals needed to jump-start the composting and maintain it effectively throughout the decomposition process. A proper composting process will break down the waste material and:

  • Produce minerals and mineral restructuring
  • Build a balanced and healthy biological environment
  • Eliminate toxins
  • Control pathogens
  • Prevent putrefaction (significantly reducing odors) 

The end result is a nutritious compost that builds up your soil, reinforces the soil biology, and nourishes the next round of plants.

Call us at 435-753-2086 and let us show you how!

Take Back Your Farm

Restoring Nature's Sustainability! You're Next, so call now!
(435) 753-2086