Ampersand is a multi-functional adjuvant for foliar applications designed to maximize the efficacy of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and nutrients. OMRI listed and formulated with food-grade ingredients, Ampersand works differently than other adjuvants to deliver 3x more spray to the leaf, 2x the absorption potential, and 4x the wash off protection.
Our primary use of Ampersand is to reduce the volume of glyphosate applications. When combined with Ampersand, you can apply 50% less glyphosate while increasing the application effectiveness.
Ampersand is a spray adjuvant that employs hydrocolloids to enhance the performance of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, foliar nutrients and plant growth regulators by improving spray deposition, and when exposed to rainfall or irrigation, improving active ingredient retention. Pesticide manufacturers label statements for use should be followed at all times. Spray Deposition: Ampersand improves active ingredient deposition by increasing the amount of the spray volume on the targeted surface. This is accomplished by reducing droplet evaporation that can occur as each droplet leaves the spray nozzle and travels to the target surface. Excessive droplet evaporation can contribute to production of small drops (fines) which are prone to drift and may not reach the target. Large droplets often either bounce off the target or break up (shattering) into smaller droplets which may or may not adhere to the target surface. Ampersand contains ingredients that cause droplets to adhere to the target surface and reduce shattering.
Wash-off Prevention: Accomplice is formulated with ingredients that form a protective barrier that improves the retention of the active ingredient in the event of rainfall, overhead irrigation or heavy dew. Active ingredients applied with Accomplice should be sprayed on the target 1 to 2 hours prior to any anticipated rainfall or overhead irrigation.
Applications: Ampersand is intended for use on a wide variety of crops including: row crops, fruits and vegetables, turf and ornamentals, grasslands and forestry applications. NOT FOR AQUATIC USE.The suggested use rates are 0.125% to 0.5% (Ampersand Volume: Total Spray Volume) or 1 pint to 2 quarts of Ampersand per 100 gallons of spray volume. For improved spray deposition, use 0.125% to 0.25% (1 pint to 1 quart Ampersand per 100 gallons). For wash-off prevention, use 0.25% to 0.5% (1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons).
Mixing: Water should be the first ingredient added to the mix tank. It is recommended that half of the amount of water to be used in the final spray volume should be added and agitated or circulated through the tank. Ampersand should then be added to the spray tank with agitation to disperse the adjuvant throughout the tank. Allow Ampersand to circulate through the tank for at least 5 minutes to ensure complete dispersion of the adjuvant. Active or other ingredients should then be added as per label recommendations with agitation. Finally, after all ingredients are thoroughly dispersed, the remaining quantity of water should be added to the spray tank and agitated to complete the tank mix formulation.